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Rock of Ages Granite Quarry

Vermont is, of course, labeled “The Granite State”.  Located in Graniteville, Vermont, this quarry has been in use since the late 1800’s. In the 1920’s, visitors began to come to tour the quarry and see how granite is sourced from here. Granite from the quarry has been used in a number of famous memorials and monuments, and seeing the quarry up close is a unique experience.

The primary attraction is the Smith Quarry, which is nearly 600 feet deep and widely believed to be the largest operating deep-hole, granite quarry in the entire world. The quarry itself was once manned by hundreds of men, but thanks to the help of modern machinery, today’s operations only require about 10 men.

Rock of Ages Granite Quarry Rock of Ages Granite Quarry
Rock of Ages Granite Quarry Rock of Ages Granite Quarry
Rock of Ages Granite Quarry Rock of Ages Granite Quarry

What to Expect at the Quarry

On your tour of the quarry, you’ll learn the fascinating history that led to this location becoming the prime source for medium and dark barre granite demands around the country. You’ll hear about the people that worked here over the decades and learn about how the business aspect of the quarry changed to keep up with the times.

After your tour, stop by the 160,000 square foot factory where artists take raw slabs of granite and transform them into works of art with the help of highly specialized computers and laser-etching machinery. Many of the gravestones around the country originate right here, and the quarry played a pivotal role in creating the National World War II Memorial in Washington, D.C. And don’t miss the multimedia exhibits and trying your hand at the granite bowling lane.

Travel Tips

Don’t forget to stop by the Visitors Center, where you will find exhibits, souvenirs, and gifts including jewelry made from granite and other gemstones.