During your visit to this Pendleton museum, experience the storied past, rich present and bright future of the Cayuse, Umatilla and Walla Walla tribes through interactive exhibits, special events and a living culture village. Tamastslikt Cultural Institute also offers dining in Kinship Café and shopping in the Museum Store.
Coyote Theater
Begin your visit to the Tamastslikt Cultural Institute in the Coyote Theater with a 10-minute introductory film. Spilyáy, a magical coyote is the lead role of the film, expressing wisdom and foolishness in a comic exposition of how the world came to be as it is today. Be sure to watch and listen for Spilyáy throughout Tamastslikt’s major galleries: We Were, We Are and We Will Be.
We Were
Audio, artistry, historic images, and rare and beautiful artifacts create a broad sensory experience depicting the world of the Cayuse, Umatilla and Walla Walla tribes in We Were. Follow the Natítayt (the people) as they explore the pre-contact lifestyle of subsistence in the abundant natural world, reflecting its balance and order. As you explore the gallery, ambient sounds will take you to another time. You will hear horses rumbling across a grassy plateau, storytellers sharing stories of times past in the winter lodge, the bell and worshipers in the church and a recreation of the 1855 Treaty Council of Walla Walla in the tribal language.
We Are
American Indians are not just a part of the past. Learn about the tribal people who have survived and thrived in the contemporary world. We Are examines the Native Americans as soldiers and warriors, players in tribal government and the economy, leaders in salmon recovery success, balancing the modern with tradition and abiding by the Law of the Salmon.
We Will Be
What does the future hold for the Cayuse, Umatilla and Walla Walla tribes? Step into We Will Be, here the dreams, visions, hopes and concerns of the tribal community are voiced.
The Naami Nishaycht Outdoor Living Culture Village
Outside you will find Tamastslikt Cultural Institute’s Naami Nishaycht Outdoor Living Culture Village. View replicas of traditional and prehistoric structures of Plateau Indian people and experience Native American life as you participate in activities such as atlatl throwing, setting up a tepee, or learning about local foods.
Kinship Café
Enjoy a snack or lunch at Kinship Café. Kinship Café serves American Indian-inspired foods, from mouth-watering entrées such as the salmon plate to sandwiches and salads. Huckleberry treats are also featured on the menu along with cold and hot beverages.
Shopping in the Museum Store
Stop by the Museum Store to browse gifts and keepsakes unique to the Tamastslikt Cultural Institute. The Museum Store carries Native American saddle blankets, collectibles including beaded jewelry, an extensive selection of books about the Indians and Plateau, videos featuring voices and images from the past as well as contemporary perspectives on Native American cultures and traditional music including artists from Umatilla, Yakama and Warm Springs Reservations.
- The Tamastslikt Cultural Institute is ADA complaint.
- The Tamastslikt Cultural Institute hosts special exhibits and events throughout the year. Visit the official Tamastslikt Cultural Institute website to find out more about special exhibits and events taking place during your visit.