The Country Jubilee is a unique show that artfully combines gospel music, country music, and comedy in this state-of-the-art theater. The Presley family will entertain you as they sing, play instruments, and act out comedy routines. You are sure to be blown away by the quality of the show, from fantastic costuming to impressive set designs and engaging musical numbers to the hilarious comedy team of “Herkimer and Cecil,” played by Gary and Eric Presley, a real life father and son duo.
- Before or after the show, make sure to check out the theater lobby to see photos and memorabilia that tell the story of this historic and iconic theater.
- There is a gift shop located inside the theater for you to purchase souvenirs.
- Snacks and drinks are available, including cinnamon roasted nuts, popcorn, candy, soda, and bottled water.
- During intermission and after the show, the cast visits with audience members in the lobby to chat, take pictures, and sign autographs.
- There is no flash photography or video allowed during the show.