During your visit to America’s 20th Century Veteran’s Memorial, honor the men and women who served in the five major conflicts of the 20th century as you stroll down the Memorial’s Walk of Honor. Bronze statues and magnificent murals are featured throughout.
America’s 20th Century Veterans’ Memorial Experience
Defenders of Liberty
Step through the bronze eagle crested entry way at the Veterans’ Memorial to begin your 20th Century Veterans’ Memorial experience. The Defenders of Liberty, a bronze statue made by Korean War veteran, Ted Long of North Platte, will greet you. The sculpture depicts three larger-than-life army men guarding the entryway to the Memorial.
Walk of Honor
Making your way down the Walk of Honor, you will see the names of thousands of veterans inscribed in the bricks that make up the walls of the Memorial. Five flags depicting the five branches of service and the five major conflicts fly overhead. The Walk of Honor has room for some 8,000 bricks, most of which have been purchased by family members of veterans and notable individuals including Senators Bob Dole, Chuck Hagel and Robert Kerrey as well as other political figures.
Bronze Statues
Five additional statues line either side of the walkway. Made by Ted Long and Sandra L. Johnson, the bronze statues portray the honourable military service of men and women during the 20th century. The bronze statues include Dove with Globe, East Bronze Eagle, West Bronze Eagle, East Bronze Statue and West Bronze Statue.
Place of Meditation
Continuing down the Walk of Honor you will pass under the United States flag and into the Place of Mediation. Pay your respects to 5,294 Nebraska veterans who sacrificed their lives during conflicts of the 20th century in this beautiful area.
America’s 20th Century Veterans’ Memorial Mural
The south wall of the Memorial is a fabulous fifteen feet by forty feet, brick bas-relief mural made by Images in Brick of Denton, Nebraska. The intricate details of World War I and II, Korea, Vietnam and Gulf War murals come together and reflect the struggle to preserve peace and freedom during the five major conflicts of the 20th century.
Be sure to visit the east side of the Memorial, dedicated to the people of the greater Mid-Nebraska area who provided the Canteen at the North Platte Depot during World War II.
Travel Tip
- Do not forget your camera. There will be moments you want to capture during your visit to America’s 20th Century Veterans’ Memorial.