About our History
The ALL HANDS ON DECK! Show was born out of gratitude and patriotism.
In 2007, I decided to write a show that would not only say "Thank You" to the greatest generation; the men and women who served our country during WWII and the Korean Conflict; but also, would remind Americans of a time when our country was truly united.
Our 1942 Roadshow & Radio Broadcast is very special to me; I spent nearly four years writing it. Saying something important with these songs was my intention. We are reminded every day that our country has challenges. Our songs and deportment all focus on patriotic unity, our "Can Do!" spirit, and what's right about our country. For younger generations, this show offers a glimpse of what was and what can be. For the senior generations, it offers a trip down memory lane to the ‘best of times’. Ultimately, I simply want everyone to leave the theatre feeling a little bit better and happier about our country.
I chose the Hollywood Victory Caravan, a group of famous Hollywood film stars who toured America by train in early 1942 selling war bonds, as the setting for the show. My research uncovered that no one had ever written a show based on the Caravan. Their road shows raised millions of dollars for the war effort, and no one had ever fully honored them. 1942 was one of the most pivotal years in world history; paving the way for much of the prosperity we enjoy in our great country today. That's our theme: feeling united, then and now.
At the Dutton Family Theater, there are Consistent Safety Measures being done so that we may all feel safe to enjoy our great shows.